Review workflow with pre-review checklist and review tool

February 10, 2025


By the end of this article you will be able to prepare your design for review, by yourself or any other stakeholder in your team. You'll explore the review checklist that helps you, as the designer, make informed decisions and prepare for a review. You will also learn how to set your own review criteria to fully customise what is required to maintain the quality you expect within your learning designs.

Design review maximises your the opportunity to check your decisions, get feedback from others, and to make changes before content is produced or changed too quickly. It's best to review when you have the highest level of flexibility and before significant investment is made.

It's important to perform design reviews early and often, and set the criteria early, to ensure alignment. This is also why every content item you add to a design has a 'Status' - so you can set if it's Draft, Review or Approved. This is part of the review process. We will cover everything above in the guide.


  • Review checklist - where to find the feature and get insights on your design.
  • Review criteria - how to set or edit for your own internal quality control needs.
  • Default criteria - how to add the defaults (which can be edited).
  • Starting a review - using the review tool to approve your design.
  • Reviewer comments - to suggest where changes need to be made.


  • Pre-review checklist - a summary of your design, presented in a format to help you determine preparedness for a review point such as stakeholder sign-off or approval to move to production.
  • Review tool - a summary of your design's review progress shown during the review process.
  • Quality control - a process, external to Coursensu, that ensures stakeholders agree with the design decisions.

Ready? Let's get some feedback on our designs 🍏

Open the Review checklist

Step: Navigate to your design and select the Review button in the toolbar.

Selecting the Review tool from the learning designer

Step: This will show the Review checklist

The review tool (on the right)

Note: You can manually mark each review criteria as met by clicking the circle. You can also use Auto-check design to quickly see which criteria can be measured automatically and if they are already met within your design.

Step: Decide from the review checklist criteria if you are satisfied with the current set up of your design review criteria.

Checking the review criteria 

Note: we switched design to help show the review criteria in full. Tip: The image above shows a design with some criteria met, and others still needing to be met. The checklist does not prevent you from moving into the Review phase.

Edit the default review criteria

There are 13 default items within the list - we'll show you how to edit these in a moment. Review criteria can be set by their type:

  1. Details - has extra information for the design been added, such Title, Description, Audience and Level.
  2. Purpose - if there are purposes (goals, outcomes, aims, etc.) created and/or connected to the content items.
  3. Resources - if there are one or more resources created and/or connected to the content items.
  4. Assessments - if any content items are flagged as part of an assessment (note: this is a 'less than' check)
  5. Ideas - if any content items are flagged as ideas (note: this is a 'less than' check)
  6. Duration - the percentage of content items with an indicative duration set.
  7. Method - the percentage of content items with a learning method set.
  8. Experience - the percentage of content items with a learning type set.

Most of these default criteria can be automatically checked. This means

Step: Select the Design details to review the default criteria and ensure which are appropriate for your design and to edit those which need to change.

Editing the review criteria - via the Details screen

Step: Switch to the Review criteria screen to review, edit and set new criteria

The review criteria screen

Step: Review the default criteria, and the requirement for each one - this is likely your first adjustment to set!

Deciding which criteria need editing

Step: Select Edit for any criteria you wish to modify - this will load the criteria in the editor

Editing criteria, as needed

Tip: If you edit an existing criteria that has been marked (or auto-checked) as 'passed' this status will be reset. You will be notified beforehand (see above).

Step: Change the quantity (or percentage) for a review criteria item and it will auto-save. You can also select Save to save all changes and clear the editor.

Saving changes to our criteria

Step: With a clear editor, you can also create your own review criteria. Select the type, add the quantity and describe the criteria

Adding new criteria

Setting the threshold for the review criteria

Note: Default text appears for the description, but you can overwrite this with your own criteria. Default text will update when you change the quantity.

Auto-saving during the changes made

Step: Return to your learning design to see your modified criteria (and progress!) in the Review checklist.

Checking the new review criteria

Step: When you're ready to review the design, select Start review.

This will load the Review screen and give you, or anyone with permission to review the design, a full list of all content items and their complete details - see next section.

Start Review

Step: Start reviewing the design. You can review each content item independently by selecting the Review button for each item.

The review process - which can be assigned to other stakeholders

Step: Select the Review button for items to indicate that it is then Approved - the status will change accordingly.

Changing the status with the review button

Step: Work through the design, item by item.

Reviewing the design - by each item

Tip: The Review tool will update accordingly with your overall progress.

Step: You can also approve a whole section in one click, just select the Review section button.

Reviewing sections in one-click

Outcome: Now you can work through the whole design to review each content item

Creating reviewer comments

Step: During review, you can create a comment by selecting the Comment button - this opens the comments panel for that content item

Creating a reviewer comment 

Step: Type your comment and select Post update to share it with the Designer(s).

Sharing feedback via the side panel

Tip: This will send a notification to the designer(s) so they can view your comment and react accordingly.

Step: When you have completed the review, all items are marked as Approved the Review tool will show the DONE 🌟 result.

Review complete!

Step: Designs that are fully approved, with no items in Review or Draft will also be marked as APPROVED in the 'My designs' area.

An approved design - where all the items have been Approved by review.

Outcome: Your design is now approved. Woohoo! 🚀

Top 3 next steps:

  1. Invite a reviewer to your design (colleague, SME, subject expert, stakeholder) for their comments or approval.
  2. Notify anyone you have invited to your design that it is ready for review.
  3. Use the Pre-review checklist to make more informed changes during the design phase.

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