This article will help you approach learning design in a 'backwards' format. You'll start with the purpose, or learning outcomes, in mind, then set about adding and connecting this outcome to the content (and which lead into assessment). ο»ΏThis approach helps to ensure you consider the overarching purpose first, and then as you add ideas you can consider how they support the learning experience you wish to create. Backwards design inverts the traditional approach of starting with the topics / subject first, and then connecting it to the intended purposes (such as goals, outcomes, competencies, etc.) as you add detail to the design.
This article covers how to start a backwards design in Coursensu and make connections between content and purpose. This ensures the experience you are creating a highly visible learner experience. Lastly, it shows how to check (or mitigate) gaps between content and purpose.
Ready? Let's work backwards π
To start: Log in and select a design to work on. We'll use our demo design. Setting one or more purpose
Note: In this article we're going to add a purpose statement about learning backwards design!
The Purpose toolbar has three core features:
Note: The aim is to write a clear, measurable statement of what a learner will be able to demonstrate as part of the learning experience. This tool helps you write statements by encouraging you to consider three areas:
As you write your statement, you'll see it appear in the list (at the top) as well as your editing area. The Tips and recommendations will update as you type. Step: Select CHECK to get tailored Tips and recommendations based on your purpose statement.
Tip: Co-pilot is not checked by default, as this uses up your credits.
Tip: The co-pilot is fed your statement and assumes the role of supporting you with suggestions. Treat it as a second opinion.
Tip: If we refine our statement we can select Check again which will update the Tips and recommendations.
Tip: You can keep refining your purpose statements until you're happy they are clear, specific, measurable and will lead to demonstrable learning outcomes. Perfection is an art and the goal here is to help you make improvements early, as robust statements will impact your design decisions.
Note: We have added a number of content items that we, as the designer, know how to enable learners to demonstrate this 'backwards design' learning outcome. Linking content to purpose statements
Tip: It's highlighted in red because, at the moment, it is not linked to any content.
Tip: The connecting lines show each content item's connection to a purpose. Content items can be connected to any number of purpose statements.
Adding more connections helps to show how all this content links to that intended learning outcome.
Tip: The lines are visual indicators. They only appear when we're making, or checking, connections.Review gaps Our design may have many purpose statements and a lot of content. We can use the 'Show empty items' filter to explore gaps.
Tip: It's perfectly fine to have some content with no purpose (for example welcome activities) and some content items may be linked to several purpose statements (such as group project). These tools are only here to help you make informed design decisions.