Repeat and reuse with templates

Create, use and remix proven learning design templates. Set up timeless ideas, give colleagues a helping hand with reusable learning designs and build your learning experience blueprints.

What can templates offer?

Creating learning experiences from scratch can be daunting. Templates provide reusable patterns that have been tried and tested, allowing you to build on solid foundations. Templates offer flexibility and familiarity, making it easier to repeat engaging learning experiences.

Customise existing templates, create your own, and share them with teammates as blueprints for future projects.
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"Coursensu has quickly become an essential tool in our online course design work"

Andy Jack

Co-Founder, Candle Digital

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Browse the collection

Explore the official Coursensu template library, featuring over 30 clear and detailed learning experiences. Add any template to your design with just one click, making it easy to get started.

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Create your own template

Transform any set of content items in your designs into custom templates. Keep them private for personal use or share with your team to establish and promote best practices across projects.

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Set learning blueprints

Collaborate with your team to create repeatable learning experiences by developing a shared collection of templates. These can serve as reusable ‘house style’ blueprints for your team’s projects, or be used to give an SME a pre-made structure - both help ensure consistency and quality.

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Achieve consistency across collections of courses

Use shared team templates to set consistent course structures and reducing the cognitive load on learners by providing familiar experiences across courses. Consistent templates help maintain focus and ensure a cohesive learning experience - for learners and educators.

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Common questions

1. How can templates help me save time when designing courses?

Templates allow you to reuse successful structures and designs, eliminating the need to start from scratch each time. By applying pre-designed frameworks, you can focus on customising content rather than building everything from the ground up, significantly reducing design time.

2. Can I create my own templates, and how can they benefit my team?

Yes, Coursensu enables you to create your own templates, which can be shared within your team. This allows your team to work more efficiently by ensuring consistency in design, saving time on future projects, and streamlining processes across multiple designers.

3. How do templates cut costs for organisations?

By standardising design elements and reusing successful strategies, templates help to reduce the time spent on course creation and prevent duplicated efforts. This leads to faster production cycles, lowering overall project costs and ensuring resources are used more effectively.

4. How can templates help me implement best practices in my team?

Templates are a great way to ensure that the best design practices are consistently followed. By using pre-built templates based on proven strategies, your team can align on high-quality design approaches, reducing errors and improving overall design quality.

5. What templates are available, and can they be adapted to suit specific learning needs?

Coursensu provides a collection of templates covering various learning design approaches. You can add these to your designs and then adapt and modify to meet your specific learning objectives.

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Start using learning design software built specifically for you.

  • Intuitive, visual collaborative editor for all of your stakeholders.
  • Transform your existing processes into a design system making better use of your time and skills.
  • Team spaces to run projects, ensure quality control and share best practice.
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