By the end of this article you will be able to quickly import any existing Moodle course and convert it into a Coursensu learning design. Importing from Moodle, and converting your existing courses into a learning design, is a fast, convenient way to turn existing courses back into a high-level learning design.
This import method converts courses into 'Sticky Notes' that are the building block of a design in Coursensu. Any content or activity from your courses (such as pages of content, videos, discussions, assignments etc) will be converted into their high-level design ideas.
Once you've imported from Moodle you can start planning workshops with students, revising designs based on feedback and turning your great course ideas into templates for future learning designs.
Site Administrator access to Moodle.
Pro plan on Coursensu.
Setting up (or check) your Moodle connection - ensure the platforms can 'talk' to each other.
Start the import process - where to find the import feature.
Importing content from a Course into a learning design - using the LMS import tool to convert anything you've got into Content Items.
Moodle - a popular Learning Management System (LMS) or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
Content item - the term we use for the contents of a learning design.
Ready? Let's import your ideas and start turning them into learning designs 📒
Connect Moodle to Coursensu.
Step: Select the Administrator cog and then Manage extensibility
Tip: To achieve this step you need Moodle Site Administrator Access (or the Web Services Permissions added to your role).
Step: Enable Web Services
Browse to Site Administration > Server and select Web Services
Browse to web services on Moodle's site admin
Step: Select 1. Enable web services (if set to No)
Browse to Site Administration > Server and select Web Services
Enable web services
Step: Enable REST protocol
From Site Admin > Server > Web Services select step 2. Enable protocols. Then select the eye / visibility enable REST protocol - a standard format for platforms to connect with each other.
Enable the REST protocol
Step: Create (or Select) a specific user (that allows a connection and configure Moodle)
From Site Admin > Server > Web Services select step 3. Create a specific user. Then select the eye / visibility enable REST protocol - a standard format for platforms to connect with each other.
This step requires you to then create a user, or select one, that can log in to set the remainder of the Web Services configuration.
Our admin user is selected, but you can chose another user (or create a specific Web Services user)
Step: Configure web services for the previously selected user
From Site Admin > Server > Web Services select step 4. Check user capability.
Filter the permissions for that user by the word 'webservice' and ensure the permissions below are allowed for the selected user.
Filtering Moodle's permissions by web service
Step: Select (or create) a service for the functions needed to link Coursensu with Moodle
Under Custom services you'll need to Add a new Custom service (because there's no default option to use).
Setting up the Coursensu web service
Step: Add Coursensu as a custom external service
Setup Coursensu as an external web service
Step: Add Functions to the new Custom service
Select Functions from the new Custom web service we just created
You'll need to add / enable the following functions to have a fully operational connection between Coursensu and Moodle:
Returns a list of bigbluebuttonbns in a provided list of courses, if no list is provided all bigbluebuttonbns that the user can view will be returned.
Returns a list of book instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the book instances the user has access to will be returned.
Returns a list of chat instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the chat instances the user has access to will be returned.
Returns a list of choice instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the choice instances the user has access to will be returned.
Returns a list of database instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the database instances the user has access to will be returned.
Returns a list of feedbacks in a provided list of courses, if no list is provided all feedbacks that the user can view will be returned.
Returns a list of folders in a provided list of courses, if no list is provided all folders that the user can view will be returned. Please note that this WS is not returning the folder contents.
Returns a list of forum instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the forum instances the user has access to will be returned.
Retrieve a list of glossaries from several courses.
Returns a list of h5p activities in a list of provided courses, if no list is provided all h5p activities that the user can view will be returned.
Returns a list of IMSCP instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the IMSCP instances the user has access to will be returned.
Returns a list of labels in a provided list of courses, if no list is provided all labels that the user can view will be returned.
Returns a list of lessons in a provided list of courses, if no list is provided all lessons that the user can view will be returned.
Returns a list of external tool instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the external tool instances the user has access to will be returned.
Returns a list of pages in a provided list of courses, if no list is provided all pages that the user can view will be returned.
Returns a list of quizzes in a provided list of courses, if no list is provided all quizzes that the user can view will be returned.
Returns a list of files in a provided list of courses, if no list is provided all files that the user can view will be returned.
Returns a list of scorm instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the scorm instances the user has access to will be returned.
Returns a list of survey instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the survey instances the user has access to will be returned.
Returns a list of urls in a provided list of courses, if no list is provided all urls that the user can view will be returned.
Returns a list of wiki instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the wiki instances the user has access to will be returned.
Returns a list of workshops in a provided list of courses, if no list is provided all workshops that the user can view will be returned.
Tip: You can add functions from the 'Add functions' link at the bottom of the page, then search for each function.
Step: Create a token for your selected web services user
Tokens enable platforms to safely and securely communicate with each other. You need to add a new token for your custom web services so the platforms can connect.
You can review all users with allocated tokens, and create tokens, from this page.
Setting up the token for our user
Our web service user and their tokens assigned
Optional step: Test the new service
Note: This will actually use your web service to test it works, so you'll want a test course to try it on!
Testing our new web service
Great - now you've set up the integration on your Moodle - now it's time to connect on Coursensu.
Add Moodle as a Coursensu Integration
Step: Select your profile and then browse to the My Team area
Browsing to the My team area via the user menu
Step: Select the Integrations tab
Viewing all current integrations for this team space in Coursensu
Step: Add Moodle as a new integration
Platform: Moodle
Shared key: Leave blank
Private key: Your web services key (created in Moodle)
URL: The full URL of your Moodle platform
Tip: You must add a trailing forward slash.
Adding Moodle to your Coursensu list of integrations
Step: Select Add and this integration will now appear in your list of integrations and be available during Import - see next steps
Reviewing our list of integrations
Import Moodle Course Content into Coursensu
Step: Start the import process - select import from the left menu of the learning designer.
Selecting Import from the toolbox on the left side of the Coursensu Designer
Step: Select From LMS from the list of Import options
Selecting LMS from the list of import options.
Step: Connect Coursensu to your Moodle by selecting it from the LMS menu
There may be one or more LMS platforms listed - select Moodle.
Note: Once initially connected, Moodle should always be 'Connected'. You can manage integrations via your Moodle platform and also via the Integrations tab of 'My team' in Coursensu.
Step: Select a Source Moodle course - this lists all the Courses you have access to for import
Tip: Missing a Course? Check your permissions on Moodle. The integration can only read the permissions it has been given from the platform. If in doubt, try reconnecting and ensuring you have chosen the correct team.
Optional Step: Check course contents on Moodle (to compare)
This is an example course - but to show what we will import into Coursensu
Step: Review the course contents to import and convert into a learning design
A preview of the course content for import - formatting as it would appear in Coursensu
Note: Sticky notes are imported in the order you have selected them! You can rearrange the Content items later, on Coursensu.
Step: Select 'Import Moodle Items' to bring that course into your Learning Design.
Showing the course content to import, and the final step - the import button.
Step: Check the imported items in your design
The imported course contents now presented as a learning design.
Finished. You now have your Moodle courses connected to Coursensu, for rapid transfer between Ideation and Learning Design 🙌.