Import courses from D2L Brightspace and convert them into a learning design
December 5, 2024
By the end of this article you will be able to quickly import any existing D2L Brightspace course into Coursensu as a learning design. Importing from D2L Brightspace, and converting your existing courses into a learning design, is a fast, convenient way to turn existing courses back into a high-level learning design.
This import method converts courses into the building block of a learning design in Coursensu. Topics and modules from your courses (such as pages of content, videos, discussions, assignments, etc) will be converted into their core design concepts. On import, all non-personally identifiably information, the meta-data, associated with each item in your course is retained. This includes the information required to reinstate the same (or revised) item as an export back into Brightspace. This gives a complete, two-way connection between platforms to design new and to redesign existing courses.
Once you've imported from D2L Brightspace you can then start planning workshops with stakeholders, revising designs based on feedback and turning your course ideas into future learning designs.
A connected D2L Brightspace integration
Pro or Team plan on Coursensu.
Setting up (or check) your D2L Brightspace connection - ensure the platforms can 'talk' to each other.
Start the import process - where to find the import feature.
Importing content from a Course into a learning design - using the LMS import tool to convert anything you've got into Content Items.
D2L Brightspace - a learning management system (LMS) used by universities, colleges and learning professionals.
Content item - the term we use for the contents of a learning design.
Ready? Let's import your ideas and start turning them into learning design content items 📒
Import Brightspace course content into Coursensu and convert it into a learning design
Step: Start the import process - select import from the left menu of the learning designer.
Select Import from any existing design. It can be empty (as shown) or imports can be added to existing content.
Step: Select From LMS from the list of Import options
Selecting LMS from the list of import options.
Step: Connect Coursensu to your D2L Brightspace by selecting it from the LMS menu
Browsing your course enrolments from a connected Brightspace platform
Note: Once initially connected, D2L Brightspace should always be 'Connected'. You can manage integrations via your Brightspace account and also via the Integrations tab of 'My team' in Coursensu.
Step: Select a Source D2L course - this lists all the Courses you have access to for import
Tip: Missing a Course? Check your permissions on D2L Brightspace. The integration can only read the permissions it has been given from the platform. If in doubt, try reconnecting and ensuring you have chosen the correct team.
Step: Check course contents on D2L Brightspace (optional)
This is an example course - but to show what we will import into Coursensu
Step: Select the course and review all of the content (topics and modules) available for import
Selecting courses from a connected D2L instance
Step: Select the course contents for import
A preview of the course content for import
Note: Sticky notes are imported in the order you have selected them! You can rearrange the Content items later, on Coursensu.
Step: Select 'Import D2L Items' to bring that course into your Learning Design.
Showing the course content to import, and the final step - the import button.
Step: Check the imported items in your design!
The imported course contents in your learning design.
Finished. You now have your D2L Brightspace connected to Coursensu, for rapid transfer between existing courses and Learning Designs 🙌.