To incorporate the 'Trace' verb in your learning design within the psychomotor domain, you can encourage learners to physically demonstrate a sequence of steps or actions. Utilize the question stem "Make an outline of" to prompt learners to lay out a clear, step-by-step process of completing a task or physical skill. This could involve creating a visual diagram, writing a detailed procedure, or even physically performing the steps themselves. By using this verb, you are prompting learners to break down complex movements or procedures into manageable parts for easier understanding and retention. This can be particularly effective for hands-on activities, procedural tasks, or skill-based learning. By catering to the kinesthetic needs of learners, you are providing them with a tangible way to comprehend and master physical actions or processes. Incorporating 'Trace' in your design can enhance engagement, understanding, and mastery of psychomotor skills.
Make an outline of
The educator will create a trace learning activity where the learners will follow a step-by-step demonstration on how to use a specific software tool, tracing the actions taken by the instructor to replicate them independently.