To incorporate the 'Calculate' verb in your learning design, prompt the learner with questions like "What's the answer" followed by a problem requiring numerical computation. Start by presenting the problem or equation that needs solving, ensuring the learner understands the mathematical operation required. Next, guide the learner through the steps to perform the calculation, breaking it down into manageable parts if necessary. Encourage the learner to apply the relevant formulas or methods and show their work clearly. Allow them to input the numerical values and walk them through the process of arriving at the solution. Provide feedback on the accuracy of their calculations and explain any errors. Reinforce the importance of precision and attention to detail in the calculation process. By using this approach, the learner can practice their computational skills and strengthen their ability to solve numerical problems effectively. Incorporating 'Calculate' tasks in this manner enhances the cognitive domain of Bloom's Taxonomy in your educational materials.
What's the answer