In your learning design, as a learning designer, you can incorporate the "Prepare" level of Bloom's Taxonomy by guiding learners to compile all necessary resources for a task. You can prompt them with questions like "Can you compile everything needed in order to..." as a way to encourage them to gather relevant materials, tools, information, or examples before starting a particular activity or project. This can help learners become organized, ready, and equipped to successfully complete the learning task at hand. By focusing on the "Prepare" aspect, you are setting the stage for effective learning by ensuring that learners have everything they need to engage in the learning process efficiently. Encourage learners to plan, gather, and ready themselves for learning activities to enhance their overall learning experience. Keywords: Bloom's Taxonomy, learning design, prepare, compile, resources, organize, learning task, planning, engage, learning activities.
Can you compile everything needed in order to
Learners prepare and organise thoughts, materials, or resources for an upcoming task or project, promoting effective preparation and time management skills.