To apply 'Modify' in your learning design, as an educator, encourage learners to create a new version or adaptation of existing materials or concepts. Use the question stem "Create from the following a new" to prompt learners to take what they have learned and modify it to develop something original. This could involve transforming an existing idea, method, or product to innovate and solve a problem in a new way. You can implement 'Modify' in your design by providing learners with opportunities to remix or combine elements to form something fresh and unique. Encourage them to think creatively and critically as they improve upon existing knowledge or practices. By incorporating this 'Modify' level in your learning activities, you can foster higher-order thinking skills and promote innovation among your learners. Keywords: Blooms Taxonomy, affective domain, Modify, learning design, 'Create from the following a new', higher-order thinking, critical thinking, innovation, creativity.
Create from the following a new
In this teaching activity, learners will modify their existing knowledge and experiences by critically analyzing case studies related to the topic, thereby enhancing their understanding and application of the subject matter.