As a learning designer, you can incorporate the 'Build' level of Bloom's Taxonomy by encouraging learners to create something new based on the knowledge they have acquired. To implement this in your next design, prompt learners with questions like 'Can you make a version of...' to inspire them to use their learning to construct a new idea, concept, or solution. Start by setting clear learning objectives and providing necessary resources or tools for the learners to build upon. Encourage creativity and critical thinking by challenging them to apply their understanding in a practical way. This hands-on approach can deepen their comprehension and retention of the material while fostering innovation and problem-solving skills. Allowing learners to build something fosters a sense of ownership and mastery over the topic, making the learning experience more engaging and memorable. By incorporating the 'Build' level in your design, you can empower learners to actively create and demonstrate their understanding.
Can you make a version of
Learners build a physical or digital object, such as a model, prototype, or piece of software, focusing on practical application and hands-on construction in a production-oriented learning context.