In your next learning design, as a learning designer, you can incorporate the verb 'Indicate' from Blooms Taxonomy to assess learners at the cognitive level. To do this, you can ask questions using the stem "Can you point out where" to prompt learners to demonstrate their knowledge through identification or highlighting. Here are actionable steps to apply 'Indicate' in your design: 1. Introduce the concept or information that learners need to understand. 2. Pose a question that asks learners to pinpoint or show a specific detail, location, or element within the content. 3. Encourage learners to provide a response that demonstrates their ability to recognize or identify the requested information. By using the verb 'Indicate' along with the question stem "Can you point out where," you can effectively assess learners' comprehension and critical thinking skills by prompting them to showcase their understanding through identification. This will help to deepen their grasp of the material and enhance their cognitive abilities. #Indicate #BloomsTaxonomy #LearningDesign #Assessment #CognitiveSkills
Can you point out where
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