In your next learning design, to apply the cognitive domain of Bloom's Taxonomy and incorporate the 'Extend' level, you can prompt learners using the question stem "How would you build on." This encourages them to expand their understanding, deepen their knowledge, and think critically about the topic. Here are simple steps to use 'Extend' in your design: 1. Start by introducing the foundational concepts of the topic. 2. Provide opportunities for learners to apply and analyze these concepts. 3. Then, ask questions like "How would you build on the existing model to improve it?" or "How would you solve this problem differently based on what you've learned?" 4. Encourage learners to explore different perspectives, propose new ideas, and create innovative solutions. 5. Finally, facilitate discussions or activities where learners can share their extended thoughts and collaborate with peers. By using the 'Extend' level, you can stimulate higher-order thinking skills and promote a deeper level of learning among your audience. Blooms Taxonomy, cognitive domain, higher-order thinking, learning design, question stem, critical thinking.
How would you build on