Incorporate the 'Defend' verb in the cognitive domain of Bloom's Taxonomy by challenging learners to support an argument or point of view. To use 'Defend' in your learning design, begin by formulating questions that prompt learners to provide justifications for their opinions. Frame questions using the stem 'Can you argue why' to encourage critical thinking and reasoning skills. Ensure that the arguments are supported by relevant evidence or examples. Encourage learners to defend their perspectives through research, analysis, and synthesis of information. This can be done through debates, role-playing scenarios, case studies, or persuasive writing assignments. Provide a safe and inclusive environment for learners to express their thoughts and ideas freely, fostering discussion and collaborative learning. Implementing 'Defend' in your learning design promotes higher-order thinking skills and allows learners to develop their ability to construct well-reasoned arguments. By incorporating this verb, educators can create engaging learning experiences that challenge learners to think critically and communicate effectively.
Can you argue why
Learners engage in structured debate, taking positions on opposing sides of a contentious issue, and task them with defending their respective stances with compelling arguments and counterarguments during the discussion.