To utilize 'Comprehend' in your learning design, the educator can prompt learners with the question stem 'What do you know about'. This can help in assessing the learner's understanding and ability to grasp information at a deeper level. The educator can follow these simple steps: 1. Begin by identifying key concepts or ideas within the learning material. 2. Develop questions using the stem 'What do you know about' to gauge the learner's comprehension. 3. Encourage learners to articulate their understanding of the topic in their own words. 4. Provide feedback to guide and reinforce their level of comprehension. 5. Use a variety of question formats such as multiple choice, short answer, or discussion prompts in alignment with the intended learning outcomes. By incorporating 'Comprehend' in your design, you can assess how well learners process and interpret information, fostering a stronger foundation of knowledge. This approach supports effective learning outcomes and helps learners make meaningful connections within the content.
What do you know about
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