Active Learning Methods

Discover active approaches to engage your learners


Assessing students' ability to argue, analyse evidence, and present their case in a structured debate or mock trial format.

Democratisation of Knowledge

Freire emphasizes the importance of democratizing knowledge by challenging hierarchical structures and creating opportunities for learners to contribute their perspectives, experiences, and expertise. This approach recognises that knowledge is co-constructed through dialogue and collective engagement.


The Demonstration method involves showing students how to perform a task or concept through a visual and practical example.

Demonstration or explanation

This teaching approach involves showcasing or clarifying concepts through practical examples or detailed descriptions.

Development Plan

Collaboratively create development plans that outline specific learning objectives, actions, and timelines for the professional's growth.


Dialogue is a central component of Freire's pedagogy. It involves open and respectful communication between the educator and learners, fostering a reciprocal learning process. Dialogue promotes a collaborative approach, where learners contribute their experiences, perspectives, and ideas.

Dialogue-based Assessment

Freire emphasizes the importance of assessment as a dialogical process. Assessment should go beyond traditional measures of memorization and regurgitation, and instead, involve ongoing dialogue, feedback, and reflection. It aims to support learners' growth, development, and critical consciousness.

Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated Instruction is a learner-centered educational approach that involves tailoring instruction to meet the unique needs, backgrounds or abilities of individual learners.

Digital Storytelling

Digital Storytelling involves using digital technology to create personal narratives that incorporate various media elements, such as text, images, audio, and video.

Digital skills assessment

Professionals' proficiency in using digital tools, software, or technology relevant to their profession is assessed.

Direct Instruction

Direct instruction is a teaching method that involves the teacher delivering information to students in a highly structured and controlled manner. This method typically involves explicit instruction, modeling, and guided practice, with the goal of ensuring that all students learn the same information in the same way.

Discovery Learning

Discovery Learning encourages students to learn by actively exploring concepts and problem-solving, rather than being taught directly.

Discovery reading

The Discovery reading approach allows learners to develop their reading comprehension skills by actively engaging with the text through questioning, discussion, and personal reflection.

Discussion and Debate

Engage the learner in discussions or debates to assess their ability to articulate arguments, engage in critical thinking, and contribute to meaningful dialogue.

Documentation of internship, placement or work experience

This involves the application of knowledge and skills through documenting practical experiences from a form of placement or professional experience.

Drag and Drop

Learners can interact with digital content by dragging and dropping items into appropriate categories, sequences, or relationships, which can be automatically assessed by the system.

Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Professionals undergo assessments to evaluate their emotional intelligence, self-awareness, empathy, and relationship management skills.


Assignments that require students to critically analyse and present their arguments or findings.

Essay Question

Automated assessment of students' longer written responses to open-ended questions that require critical thinking and analysis.

Evaluate a design

The evaluate design method involves critical analysis and assessment of a design to improve its effectiveness and success.


Traditional exams that assess knowledge and understanding through written or online tests.

Exit Interview

Conduct an exit interview at the end of the placement or apprenticeship, gathering feedback from the student about their overall experience, learning outcomes, and suggestions for improvement.

Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning facilitates learning through practical, hands-on experiences that engage learners.

Expert session

The Expert session involves tutors sharing their knowledge and expertise with students in a collaborative and interactive learning environment.

External Certification

Professionals take external certifications or examinations recognised in their field to validate their competence and knowledge.

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