Concept Attainment

Concept Attainment
The Concept Attainment approach involves teaching by presenting examples and non-examples of a concept to guide students in gaining a deeper understanding of the concept.


How to use in a learning design

To utilize the 'Concept Attainment' method in your next learning design as a learning designer, follow these actionable steps: 1. **Select Concept**: Choose a clear and specific concept you want learners to understand, like the water cycle or Newton's Laws of Motion. 2. **Create Examples**: Develop examples that both adhere to and deviate from the concept. Ensure there is a mix of positive and negative instances for comparison. 3. **Present Examples**: Show these examples to the learners without explicitly stating the concept, allowing them to analyze and identify patterns on their own. 4. **Compare and Contrast**: Encourage learners to compare the examples, noting what characteristics are present in one group but absent in the other. 5. **Generate Hypotheses**: Guide learners to create hypotheses based on their observations, leading them towards grasping the underlying concept gradually. 6. **Provide Feedback**: Offer feedback on their hypotheses, reinforcing correct deductions and addressing any misconceptions. 7. **Apply Knowledge**: Have learners apply the newly acquired concept in different scenarios to solidify their understanding. By following these steps and actively engaging learners in the process of deducing and understanding the concept, you can effectively incorporate the 'Concept Attainment' method into your learning design.


Suitable for

When the goal is to guide students towards discovering a concept or idea on their own.


Unsuitable for

The teaching method that relies on the students guessing and making deductions without providing clear explanations is inappropriate.


Requires / leads from

Concept Attainment is an instructional strategy that works best when learners have a solid foundation of prior knowledge related to the concept being taught. Before implementing Concept Attainment with students, it is important to ensure that they have a basic understanding of the topic, vocabulary, and key ideas. Additionally, learners should have some experience with critical thinking skills and be comfortable with problem-solving activities. By building on this existing knowledge and skills, Concept Attainment can be a highly effective tool for deepening understanding and promoting higher-level thinking.


Leads to

Concept Attainment can prepare learners for developing critical thinking and analytical skills by engaging them in active learning experiences. It helps them understand and recognize patterns, relationships, and characteristics within different concepts. This can lead to improved problem-solving abilities, enhanced decision-making skills, and a deeper understanding of complex ideas. Ultimately, Concept Attainment can empower learners to approach new challenges with a structured and systematic mindset, preparing them for success in future academic and professional endeavors.


Typical duration

Learner centricity


Delivery compatibility

✓ Face to face
✓ Blended
✓ Hybrid
✓ Online

Technologies required

Learning types

✓ Acquire
✓ Discuss
✓ Collaborate
✓ Investigate
✓ Practice
✓ Produce

Assessed by


Concept Attainment

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