In your next learning design, as a learning designer, you can incorporate the 'Edit' verb from Blooms Taxonomy by creating activities where learners modify existing content or ideas. One simple and actionable step is to use the question stem "What would you modify in...?" to prompt learners to critically think about how they can improve or change something based on their understanding. For example, you can design a task where learners analyze a piece of writing and ask them, "What would you modify in this paragraph to make it more clear?" This encourages them to edit the text and enhance their writing skills. By using the 'Edit' verb in your design, you can promote higher-order thinking skills such as evaluation and synthesis. This approach allows learners to engage with the content more deeply and actively apply their knowledge to create meaningful changes. Incorporating this verb in your activities can help foster a culture of continuous improvement and reflection in your learning design.
What would you modify in
Learners modify written content, such as an essay or report, for accuracy, clarity, and coherence. This reinforces their accuracy, editor and proofreading skills.