Virtual experiments

Simulated scientific experiments conducted within a virtual environment.


How to use in a learning design

To incorporate virtual experiments into your next learning design, start by selecting a suitable virtual lab platform or simulation software. Next, align the virtual experiments with your learning objectives and course content. Provide clear instructions for the learner to navigate the virtual experiment and encourage them to explore different variables or scenarios. Incorporate reflection questions or quizzes to prompt critical thinking and reinforce learning outcomes. Offer opportunities for the learner to repeat the virtual experiment to solidify understanding and promote active engagement. Finally, gather feedback from the educator and learners to evaluate the effectiveness of the virtual experiments in meeting the learning objectives. By integrating virtual experiments effectively, the educator can enhance the learning experience and provide a hands-on, interactive way for learners to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting.


How it works

Emulates laboratory experiments allowing users to manipulate variables and observe virtual outcomes.



Teaching and learning scientific concepts when physical lab access is not possible or convenient.



Compatible with educational software platforms that support science education and 3D simulations.


Assessment options

Can assess learners' understanding of scientific principles and experiment design in a safe virtual setting.


Privacy considerations

Ensure the privacy of learner data and the integrity of the virtual experiment results.

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