Research database

A searchable database containing academic and scientific resources such as journals, articles, and papers.


How to use in a learning design

To incorporate a research database in your next learning design, start by selecting a suitable database relevant to your subject area. Introduce the database to learners, highlighting its importance in academic research and providing a guided tutorial on how to navigate and search for information. Encourage learners to explore the database independently to find scholarly articles, journals, and studies related to the course content. Create assignments that require learners to utilize the database to gather information, critically analyze sources, and present their findings. Monitor learner progress and provide support by addressing any challenges they face while using the research database. Finally, assess learner proficiency in utilizing the database by incorporating it into assessments or projects. By integrating a research database in your design, learners can enhance their research skills, access credible sources, and deepen their understanding of the course material.


How it works

Provides a collection of scholarly materials for use in academic research and writing.



Supporting learner and faculty research by providing access to reputable sources.



Accessible on various devices through institutional subscriptions or directly via web browsers.


Assessment options

Supports the preparation and factual support of assessments in research-focused academic work.


Privacy considerations

Access may require secure login; maintain confidentiality of search queries and downloaded content.

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