Active Learning Methods

Discover active approaches to engage your learners

Online discussion, chat or forum

Assessing students' engagement, critical thinking, and contribution to online discussions or forums.

Online research

Online research involves using the internet to gather and analyse information as a means of learning.

Open Educational Resources (OER)

The use of OER involves sharing and accessing openly licensed online resources to support and enhance learning.

Open webinar or lecture

Open webinars or lectures involve online sessions where experts deliver educational content to a broad audience via virtual platforms.

Oral examination

Assessing students' knowledge and critical thinking skills through spoken responses to questions.

Oral interview

Conduct one-on-one or panel interviews with the learner to assess their understanding of the industry, their learning progress, and their ability to articulate their thoughts.

Oral presentation

Professionals deliver informative or persuasive presentations, demonstrating their ability to communicate effectively.

Participating in social networking activity

Participating in social networking activities, such as engaging in online social platforms, to enhance a learner's ability to present themselves and their ideas or experiences, with others in their field.

Participatory action research

Freire supports the use of participatory action research as a method to empower learners. It involves collaborative research conducted by learners and educators to address social issues, with the aim of creating meaningful change in their communities.

Peer Review

Organise panels where peers review and evaluate each other's work, providing detailed feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Peer Role-Play

Engage in role-playing activities where peers act out scenarios or simulations, providing feedback on communication, problem-solving, or interpersonal skills.

Peer assessment

Students evaluating and providing feedback on their peers' work, promoting self-assessment and collaborative learning.

Peer assessment portfolio

Create portfolios where learners compile samples of their work for peers to evaluate and provide feedback on overall progress.

Peer assessment workshop

Conduct workshops where learners learn and practice peer assessment techniques, followed by peer assessment activities.

Peer coaching

Pair up learners to act as coaches for each other, providing support, guidance, and feedback on specific skills or tasks.

Peer coaching or feedback

Professionals provide coaching or feedback to their peers, and their ability to provide constructive support and guidance is assessed.

Peer critique sessions

Organise critique sessions where learners provide feedback on artistic, creative, or design work, focusing on aesthetics, composition, or technique.

Peer discussion

Facilitate structured discussions where learners engage in critical conversations and provide feedback on ideas, arguments, or concepts.

Peer editing

Engage in peer editing sessions where learners review and provide suggestions for improving written work, such as essays or reports.

Peer evaluation

Peer evaluation is when learners provide feedback and assessment on each other's work. This can be done through various methods such as rubrics, checklists, or written comments. Peer evaluation helps learning from each other, develop critical thinking skills, and improve each learner's own understanding of the material. It also encourages collaboration and fosters a sense of responsibility within the learning community.

Peer evaluation debate

Peer evaluation is when students assess the work of their classmates based on specific criteria. This can help students develop critical thinking skills, improve collaboration, and receive valuable feedback from their peers. Adding a debate can help to reduce bias or unreliability, as it adds a discussion around the evaluations for learners to justify or defend how they have assessed the work.

Peer feedback

Colleagues or team members provide constructive feedback and assessments based on observations and interactions.

Peer feedback form

Provide structured forms or templates for peers to offer constructive feedback on assignments or projects.

Peer instruction / tutoring

Peer instruction / tutoring involves pairing students of different ability levels to work together in order to facilitate skill acquisition and knowledge transfer.

Peer mock interview

Arrange mock interview sessions where learners take turns interviewing and providing feedback to improve interview skills.

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