Active Learning Methods

Discover active approaches to engage your learners

Image-based Assessment

Computer-assisted systems can present learners with images or diagrams and assess their ability to analyse, interpret, or label specific components or relationships.

Industry Certification

Assess the student's ability to achieve industry certifications or qualifications related to their field of placement or apprenticeship.

Industry-Specific Knowledge Assessment

Professionals undergo assessments specific to their industry or field to gauge their depth of knowledge and expertise.

Innovation Challenge

Professionals participate in innovation challenges or idea generation sessions to assess their creativity and problem-solving abilities.

Inquiry Circles

Inquiry Circles encourage students to participate in collaborative problem-solving and critical thinking as they engage in self-directed and student-centered learning.

Inquiry-based learning

Inquiry-based learning is a teaching method that encourages students to ask questions and explore their own interests and ideas. This method is often student-led, with the teacher acting as a facilitator and guide to help students discover knowledge and solutions for themselves.

Interactive Fiction and Continuous Stories

Interactive fiction and continuous stories involve engaging students through immersive and ongoing narratives.

Interactive Quiz

Computer-based quizzes that provide immediate feedback to students and track their progress.

Interactive simulation

Interactive simulation is a learning tool that allows students to actively engage with a digital representation of a real-world scenario. Through this hands-on experience, students can manipulate variables, make decisions, and see the immediate impact of their actions. This immersive and interactive approach enhances understanding, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking abilities.

Introductory discussion

Introductory discussion is a conversation between the educator and their learners to get to know each other, set expectations, discuss the course objectives, and establish a positive learning environment.

Jigsaw Method

The Jigsaw Method is a cooperative learning strategy where students work together in small groups to become experts on a specific topic and then teach their findings to their peers. This promotes active learning, collaboration, and critical thinking skills.

Job Shadowing

Provide opportunities for line reports to shadow or observe more experienced colleagues in action to assess their skill development.

Job Simulation

Professionals engage in realistic job simulations to assess their readiness and competency for specific job roles.

Journaling or Reflective Writing

Encourage the professional to keep a journal or engage in reflective writing to document their experiences, insights, and lessons learned.

Laboratory notebook

A laboratory notebook is a detailed record of observations, data, procedures, and results from experiments conducted in a scientific setting. It serves as a crucial tool for researchers to document their work, provide evidence of their findings, and track their progress. The notebook helps ensure accuracy, traceability, and reproducibility of experiments, as well as protecting intellectual property rights.

Laboratory practical assessment

Laboratory practical assessment involves students demonstrating their understanding and skills in a hands-on setting, such as a science or engineering lab. It typically includes tasks like conducting experiments, making observations, recording data, and analyzing results. This type of assessment allows students to apply their theoretical knowledge in a real-world context, assess their practical skills, and demonstrate their ability to perform experiments accurately.

Leadership assessment

Professionals undergo assessments to evaluate their leadership qualities, styles, and effectiveness.

Leadership opportunities

Provide line reports with leadership opportunities to assess their ability to lead and develop necessary leadership skills.

Learner created podcast, event or show

A learner created podcast incorporates engaging activities, events, and shows to enhance learning experiences.

Learning journals or blog

Professionals maintain learning journals or blogs to document their learning journey, insights, and reflections on professional development activities.

Learning log

Maintain a log or diary to document learning experiences, insights, and lessons learned.


A lecture is a traditional teaching method where the teacher presents information to the students in a structured format. This method typically involves the teacher talking for a significant amount of time, with limited interaction or participation from the students.

Lecture with Visual Aids

The Lecture with Visual Aids approach is about using visual aids to reinforce the core message of a lecture.

Liberation through praxis

This concept emphasizes the transformative potential of education in liberating individuals and communities from oppressive structures. By engaging in praxis (reflection and action), learners develop agency, become active participants in their own learning, and work towards liberation and social justice.

Live online session

Can be used for any form of live or synchronous session. This includes virtual classrooms, online classes and webinars. Used for remote teaching and online interaction between instructor and students in real-time.

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