Active Learning Methods

Discover active approaches to engage your learners


Feedback involves providing learners with constructive criticism and support to help them improve their performance.

Feedback Discussions

Engage in regular feedback discussions to provide constructive feedback on specific skills and encourage their improvement.

Feedback Survey

A Feedback Survey is a set of questions designed to collect feedback from participants about their experiences, opinions, and suggestions related to a specific event, program, or service. It helps educators gather valuable information to understand what worked well and what can be improved for future iterations. Participants can share their thoughts anonymously, allowing for honest feedback that can be used for continuous improvement and to better meet the needs of the audience.

Field Report

Assessing students' ability to apply theoretical knowledge and analyse real-world situations during field visits or internships.

Field Research or Survey

Students design and conduct field research, surveys, or interviews to collect and analyse data.

Field-specific Assessment

Discipline-specific assessments such as laboratory reports, engineering designs, legal briefs, or architectural drawings to evaluate subject-specific knowledge and skills.

Field/lab observation

The Field/lab observations involve learning through direct experience and observation in real-world settings.

Fill in the Blank

Computer programs can assess learners' ability to complete sentences or statements by filling in the missing words or phrases.

Flipped Classroom

The Flipped Classroom involves learners independently learning new content before a sessions and then engaging in application-based activities during the session time.

Gallery Walk

Gallery Walks involves students exploring and analyzing displayed work in a classroom setting to promote discussion and understanding of the subject matter.

Game-based Learning

Game-based learning uses the engaging and interactive qualities of games to enhance the learning experience for students.

Gamified Assessment

Computer-assisted assessments can be gamified, using game elements like points, levels, or badges to engage learners and provide

Glossary and Resource Links Project

The Glossary and Resource Links Project involve summarizing important information and providing links to useful resources for further discovery.

Goal Achievement

Evaluate the achievement of individual goals and targets set for the line reports.

Goal Setting

Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals to assess progress and achievement.

Goal Setting Progress Review

Goal Setting Progress Review is a structured process where you reflect on the goals you set, evaluate the progress made towards achieving them, and make any necessary adjustments to stay on track. It helps you track your development, identify what is working well, and what needs improvement to reach your desired outcomes. The review is an opportunity to celebrate accomplishments, learn from challenges, and set new objectives to continue moving forward effectively.

Goal Setting and Progress Monitoring

Collaboratively set goals with the learner and regularly monitor their progress, providing feedback and support to ensure they are on track towards their learning objectives.

Grant Proposal

Assessing learners' ability to write effective grant proposals for research projects or community initiatives.

Graphic organiser

Graphic organisers are a visual tool that help learners to organise and categorise information effectively.

Group Discussion

The Group Discussion approach involves sharing and discussing ideas among participants in order to facilitate learning and understanding.

Group Work

Assessing students' ability to work effectively in teams and contribute to shared goals.

Group work - large project

The Group Work - Large Project technique involves collaborative efforts in completing a significant project.

Group work - small/quick project

The small/quick project group work approach involves collaborative problem solving to complete a task efficiently.

Guided Practice

Guided Practice involves providing students with structured activities that enable them to apply new concepts and skills with support and guidance from the teacher.

Guided reading

The Guided reading approach involves providing support and structure for students as they engage in independent reading and analysis of texts.

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