Course Resource Wiki Site

Course Resource Wiki Site
The Course Resource Wiki Site employs a collaborative approach to learning through the creation and sharing of educational content by a community of teachers and students.


How to use in a learning design

To implement the 'Course Resource Wiki Site' method in your next learning design, start by creating a central wiki site where educators can collaboratively develop and curate course resources. Encourage educators to contribute content such as lecture notes, readings, videos, and interactive activities to the wiki site, organizing them by topic or week for easy navigation. This collaborative platform enables educators to share their expertise and resources, promoting a culture of knowledge exchange and continuous improvement. For learners, provide access to the wiki site as a supplemental resource to your course materials. Encourage them to explore the content, engage in discussions, and even contribute their own insights or additional resources. This promotes active learning, as learners can take ownership of their learning process by interacting with the course materials and their peers in a meaningful way. As an educator, monitor the wiki site regularly to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the content, and provide guidance or clarification as needed. By implementing the 'Course Resource Wiki Site' method, you can create a dynamic and collaborative learning environment that enhances engagement, fosters a sense of community, and empowers learners to take an active role in their education.


Suitable for

When students need to collaborate and contribute to a shared online resource for a course.


Unsuitable for

This method is not suited for situations where a collaborative online platform is not an effective means of conveying course information.


Requires / leads from

Before implementing a Course Resource Wiki Site with learners, it is important to ensure that they have a foundational understanding of the topic or subject matter being covered. This will enable them to actively contribute to the wiki by sharing their knowledge, insights, and resources with their peers. Additionally, learners should also be comfortable with and have experience using the wiki platform to navigate, edit, and collaborate effectively. Starting with a clear introduction and guidelines on how to use the wiki will help set expectations and support learners in engaging with the platform.


Leads to

A Course Resource Wiki Site can prepare learners for collaborative learning, critical thinking, and research skills development. It can lead learners to become active contributors in knowledge creation, allowing them to engage in discussions, share resources, and build a strong learning community. This experience can help learners develop digital literacy, adaptability, and communication skills that are valuable not only in academic settings but also in future careers that require teamwork, problem-solving, and information sharing.


Typical duration

Learner centricity

Delivery compatibility

✓ Face to face
✓ Blended
✓ Hybrid
✓ Online

Technologies required

Learning types

✓ Acquire
✓ Discuss
✓ Collaborate
✓ Investigate
✓ Practice
✓ Produce

Assessed by


Course Resource Wiki Site

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