Introductory discussion

Introductory discussion
Introductory discussion is a conversation between the educator and their learners to get to know each other, set expectations, discuss the course objectives, and establish a positive learning environment.


How to use in a learning design

To incorporate the Introductory Discussion learning method in your next learning design, start by choosing a relevant topic or concept for the learner to explore. Begin the session by asking thought-provoking questions related to the topic, encouraging the learner to reflect on their prior knowledge and experiences. This can help set the stage for the learning that will take place in the session. Next, facilitate a group discussion where the learner can share their thoughts, ideas, and questions with their peers. Encourage active participation by asking open-ended questions, prompting deeper thinking and analysis. This can help enhance critical thinking skills and promote a deeper understanding of the topic at hand. As the educator, it is important to guide the discussion and ensure that all learners have the opportunity to participate and share their perspectives. Encourage respectful dialogues and provide feedback or clarification when needed. To further enhance the learning experience, consider incorporating multimedia elements such as videos, images, or real-life examples that relate to the topic of discussion. This can help engage the learners and provide them with different perspectives to consider. Finally, wrap up the discussion by summarising the key points that were covered and encouraging the learners to think about how they can apply their new knowledge in real-life situations. This can help reinforce the learning and encourage the learners to


Suitable for

Introductory discussion is suitable for establishing a foundation of knowledge, setting expectations, building rapport, and generating interest at the beginning of a course or lesson. It is appropriate to use introductory discussions when students are unfamiliar with the topic, when you want to create a sense of community in the class, or when you want to activate prior knowledge before diving into new content. The purpose is to create a welcoming environment, engage students, and provide context for the upcoming learning activities.


Unsuitable for

Introductory discussion is unsuitable for situations where time is limited, such as emergency sessions or when there is a pressing need to cover specific material. It is also inappropriate to use when the group is already familiar with each other and the topic being discussed, as it might come across as redundant and time-wasting. In such cases, it is more effective to directly dive into the main content or agenda without the need for introductory discussion.


Requires / leads from

An introductory discussion with learners should build on a foundation of mutual trust, respect, and familiarity with the topic being discussed. It requires establishing a safe and supportive learning environment where all participants feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. It also relies on the educator having a clear understanding of the learners' backgrounds, interests, and prior knowledge to effectively engage them in the discussion. By laying this groundwork, the introductory discussion can set the stage for meaningful learning and collaboration among the learners.


Leads to

Introductory discussions can prepare learners by setting the stage for the topics to be covered, helping to build a shared understanding among the group, and creating a supportive learning environment. It can also lead to deeper discussions, increased engagement, and a sense of community among learners, which can enhance future collaboration, critical thinking, and overall learning outcomes.


Typical duration


Learner centricity


Delivery compatibility

✓ Face to face
✓ Blended
✓ Hybrid
✓ Online

Technologies required


Learning types

✓ Acquire
✓ Discuss
✓ Collaborate
✓ Investigate
✓ Practice
✓ Produce

Assessed by


Introductory discussion

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